Sep 17, 2007

Monday Morning

Its Monday and I'm at work. Its it bit busy for a Monday morning but I've still found time to get to my blog.

I see other staff are getting theirs up and running. This training is a pretty good idea because we are helping each other out. Well I'm not helping but ASKING for a lot of help. My IT co-workers are getting sick of me but I don't care thats what their there for. Ha Ha.

Cheers for now.



Christian West said...

Yay to bugging the IT staff. Give em heck from me! Love the pictures of libraries that you have ;-)


Yarra Plenty Library Regional Library said...

Keep asking's all about participation, collaboration and sharing. Keep up the good work


Zoya said...

Yes I took the pictures myself! As for bugging the IT guys I'm loving it and they have to be nice cause they'll fail if they aren't. Ha ha