Oct 25, 2007

#20 You Tube cont.

Well I didn't know you could do that. Put html in a new post that is. You Tube would be fun if I could view the video's better, it kept stopping which was really frustrating, I nearly gave up. I assume it's my internet connection. I chose Conan the Librarian because it was funny and it was easier to view. I suppose thats because it was a small file, the other videos were larger and I didn't have the patients to wait for it. I also looked at google and yahoo video which I didn't know existed. You Tube seems to have more videos to look at. I know it is more well known and has been around longer even the politicians are using it (weird).

This would be good for libraries because we could show funny stuff like this to show the public we have a sense of humor. We could also advertise our services in a different way. It might catch the public's attention. I just wish my computer would view videos better because I would be looking at more funny videos. Its amazing that people would put themselves on there. I guess everyone whats their 15 minutes of fame.

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