Oct 12, 2007

RSS Feeds Help

Now I will try to help you with RSS Feeds. I found this a bit hard, so here goes.

Create an account with Bloglines

You need to create an account with bloglines . Do this here Bloglines

Adding Rss Feeds

  1. Once you have signed up you need to add Rss Feeds.
  2. Find a website that you like and search for the icon feed, it usually says rss feed either on the bottom/top/side of page (You will need to open another window for this)
  3. Once you have clicked on the websites feed it will give you an address with xml or rss feed at the end of the address.
  4. Copy this address by highlighting the address then right clicking your mouse and clicking copy.
  5. Then go to "Feeds' on the Left hand side of the bloglines website (you must be logged in)
  6. Then click on 'Add' this will bring up a small address bar.
  7. Right click and paste your address feed here.
  8. Click 'Subscribe'
  9. This will bring up how you would like your feeds to appear, such as in a new folder.
  10. Scroll down and and click 'Subscribe'

Adding RSS Feeds to your Blog

  1. First you must go to your profile and allow sharing.
  2. Then click on 'Share' at the bottom on the left hand side of bloglines.
  3. In 'Link Target' type in your blogger address eg. http://zoyasstuff.blogspot.com
  4. Click on 'Generate html'. This will give you a Html code
  5. Copy this then go to your blog.
  6. Add a page element with the Html/Java element
  7. Copy this
  8. You should now have a link to the websites you have Feeds to.

Viewing Updates

  1. To view your feeds you need to go to Bloglines and sign in, it will bring up the websites you have subscribed to with numbers next to them.
  2. These are the new items you haven't read. This is where you view updates, not from your blog.

Adding Blogrolls (your sharing Bloglines account) to your blog is so that you can show others what you have subscribed to. If you click on the website from your blog it will take you to the website but not show only updates. The updated items can only be viewed through your bloglines account.

Editing Websites

  1. To change your website feeds such as Delete, Create Folders etc. you need to click on Edit.
  2. This will bring up what you want such as Folders, Delete sort Alphabetically etc.

I hope this makes sense


Harriet Cracknell said...

Zoya's stuff, YOU ARE THE MOST! See my most recent post to see why. Harriet loves you! You should stay in bed more...H

dragonlady said...

smarty pants