Oct 12, 2007

Flickr Help

So I'm going to try to help others who are having trouble. Just follow the steps below. Here goes.

  1. You need to create a Flickr account. To do this go to - http://www.flickr.com/ follow the steps to create your own account , yes you need a yahoo email account.

Putting Pictures on Flickr

  1. Search for a picture you like on flickr.
  2. Right click your mouse over the picture
  3. Choose 'save picture as' (this will save it to your computer)
  4. Go to 'You' on flickr
  5. Go to 'Upload' at the bottom of the screen
  6. Click on 'Choose Photo'
  7. Choose your picture, then double click or open picture
  8. Save picture
  9. You can add a tag if you like, this will help to organise you photos

Putting Flickr pictures on your blog

  1. Look for pictures on flickr you like or from your own flickr pictures.
  2. Click on the picture
  3. You will then notice a small icon on the top of the picture that says 'Blog this'. Click on this and it will ask you for your blog
  4. Follow the steps to allow Flickr to access your blog
  5. Add a title or post with this picture.
  6. Click on view blog to see your picture

More Flickr Tools

  1. Go to this link Flickr Tools for more options.
  2. Remember a lot of these tools require you to copy the html and add this script to your new page element.
  3. The page element needs to be the Html/Java script element.

I hope this has helped

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