Oct 1, 2007

# 9 Finding Feeds

I have tried Bloglines and Topix. Bloglines is easier for me as I am now getting used to it and the screen is now familiar. Topix was pretty good as you could choose feeds just in Australia. As for Technorati, I don't think I would want to use a search tool just for searching blogs. Maybe others blogs can be good to look at but if I was searching for information I would not look at blogs but an authentic site. Technorati also looks pretty complicated for my old brain.

PS CONGRATULATIONS to Laura and Kristin. Sydenham staff are either pretty interested in Technology or we just like to play alot. Hee Hee



1 comment:

Laura said...

Thanks for your congrats.
I like technology very much but definitely I'm a "playalot" as well...!! :))) (that's a good name for a blog!)

